The space of Art of a DSM treatment is somewhere between the art of Mindfulness meditation, Zen practice and the triggering of specific signals to the brain to process yesterday’s “issues” with actual personal resources.

A minimum series of move or procedures are necessary to trigger the desired self-healing response in the body whilst performing too many mobilisations could actually be counteractive and counterproductive. The sicker the patient or the more acute the condition, the less is done during the session and the less pressure will be applied to the moves, however the more profound the effect will be on the body.

One motto of the technique is “Allow You to Be the Space You Truly Be and allow others to be the space they truly are”.

Wouldn’t you like to have your muscle aches and pains melt away with a soft touch that uses no thrusting type actions?

DSMt is so soft and gentle that most people are skeptical that a touch that light can actually do anything yet your body can undergo dynamic shifts in a very short time.

DSMt is an amazing innovative technique developed in Europe and Italy. Born for pain of the physical body, DSMt revealed itself as a sparkle of new and renewed Energy as well as a revolutionary technique for the dissipation of old traumas in the Emotional and Psychological spheres.

Quick summary:

DSMt uses a series of gentle moves on specific muscles or on precise points on the body to create an energy flow and vibrations between these points. This allows the body to better communicate with itself and to balance its tissues, muscles and organs.
The method of action is likely through the autonomic nervous system, allowing the body to better carry out its many functions the way it was designed to.
DSMt is done with a light touch and can be done through clothing. There are pauses between sets of moves to allow the body to assimilate the energy and vibrations.
But it is better if the developer of DSM, Graziano Dominici, explains it in his own words…

„DSMt is an extremely powerful multidimensional methodology, which has been specifically developed for the ongoing dynamic integration of the structure and viscera via stimulation of the central, peripheral autonomic nervous systems.

The main objective is to remove pain and dysfunctional physiological conditions by restoring the structural integrity of the body and allow the BEing to come out with ease to “upgrade” and potentiate the life.

In essence DSMt provides the body with possibilities to communicate on many levels, and thus return to and maintain normal homeostatic limits on a daily basis.

The response to DSMt is most often profoundly effective and sometimes miraculous.

DSMt is essentially a soft tissue osteopathic-craniosacral-aborigen style therapy, designed to remove pain, physiological dysfunction and even psychological imbalances, by restoring the structural tensegrity of the body. Its application is suitable and safe for all ages, from newborns to the elderly.

As its main aim is to reintegrate the body-mind complex as a whole, it is often called contextual healing, consequently regarding illnesses as symptoms of imbalance. For this reason there are no contraindications, rendering the technique useful for a wide range of conditions from acute pain to chronic conditions.

Not every condition will respond in the same way. Advanced degenerative conditions often require a multifaceted approach, of which the DSMt may form an exceedingly significant part. A treatment comprises the application of sequences of specialised ‘moves’ to the body, carried out in a very specific and systematic manner. Characteristically, skilful soft tissue manipulation is applied to the lower and upper back, abdomen, neck, arms and legs. There is no forceful manipulation, rather a cross-fibre manoeuvring of muscles, tendons, ligaments or nerves, using varying pressure and incorporating resting periods to allow the body to respond. The treatment can be done either through clothing or directly on the skin. Throughout the session the recipient experiences deep relaxation, essentially providing the body with a ‘window of possibilities’ to reorganise itself comprehensively via the natural activation of various neural reflexes and important regulatory systems. Substantial relief is frequently attained after the first session, while long-term resolution is typically attained after the second or third session. A session generally lasts 25-45 minutes, but can be as short as five minutes in certain circumstances.“

Conditions which frequently respond well to DSMt:

Spinal conditions
Cranial conditions
Headaches including migraines
Neck conditions including whiplash
Back conditions: pelvic, lumbar, thoracic
Shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand conditions
Leg, knee, ankle and foot conditions
All visceral conditions
Asthma and other respiratory conditions
Arthritis and joint conditions
Menstrual, fertility and menopausal conditions
Accident injuries
Sporting injuries
Acute and chronic fatigue
Stress conditions and emotional depression
Digestive and bowel problems
Old traumas
All therapies are gentle, non-invasive and appropriate for all ages from newborns to the elderly.

“Yesterday, after my third DSMt, I slept soundly and this morning, I’m happy without a reason and I smile all the time…. It seems so long ago – it was just 3 weeks ago when I was suffering from panic attacks since a long time, then my first DSMt….and now… I didn’t even remember them!! It’s incredible all this peace, I didn’t know I’d be able to! thanks!” A.M (seller in a shop)

“I was working a lot lately and experienced a lot of troubles in my job, then…my wife suggested me to have a DSMt session. I’m not really into these “things”, and by nature, I’m skeptic, but I decided to do it: I really needed some help! So I tried it and since the very first session I had more energies to handle everything and keep my humour, I didn’t imagine I’d live in such an easier way!” F.L. (manager)

“I have my years already on my back but I pass my days with my nephews who are full of life. My major issue is walking the stairs, my legs get tired and my knees hurt. I received the DSMt and I notice a lot of improvements: more energy, no more breathlessness as before and my knees are not so tight and stiff as before, actually…” G.P (grandma)

“I’m an artist and I dance for long hours everyday. I love what I do but the tiredness and the stress often ring a bell. There are days when my body is tensed up and rigid. After the treatment, the shoulders, hips, feet released tensions and memories I thought I didn’t have anymore… I’m happy and I feel lighter and ready to do what I love without so much effort! Wow!! Thank you, I suggest it to everyone!” S.S. (dancer)

“I love to eat and easily you can tell it….my “too much” and extra weight are screaming it out loud… 15 days ago I received the DSMt for the first time and after a week, the second…it seems impossible but I lost 3 kgs! My mom says I’m less puffy. My appetite decreased spontaneusly and I “see” serenity in me and around! Finally I feel more beautiful! And I can even see my “shape” again…Thanks!” S.G. (student)

I always felt good and body it’s not really a thing I’d spend time on; after the third session, I noticed I felt lighter, the memory of what I read and study is much more clear: I start to dream “lucid” at least once a week… Graziano suggested me to amplify and enhance my passions during these “moments”… and… I can only say: try it!” M.D. (philosopher, inventor and teacher)