Scientists on molecules dancing

Dance Space Molecules…….

The space between molecules, between electrons and between the words is where the potency exists. That is the space where transformation occurs.

Within the space are molecules that dance – it is the molecules that dance a certain dance together that creates what we see as something solid. These molecules come together in different ways depending on how they are influenced by the way they are being perceived, or what kind of charge they are exposed to.

It is amazing that scientists are talking about “molecules dancing” too.

You can read more about it here:

“Watching molecules dance in real time” at
“How water molecules dance to activate proteins” (by Gilead Amit) at

Gratitude rewires your brain

The word Grateful in Latin means full of grace and to acknowledge – basically being in the Divine Grace and acknowledging it (being aware of it). When we are grateful, we are “loving care” of others (by Being the true Us).

Gratitude, happiness and joy have the characteristics that bring you whatever you are looking for; they are whatever you are looking for. They all have the energy or the characteristics of thriving.

Being in the space of gratitude is a clear signal to you and to the universe that you are happy, peaceful, joyful (what I call “placid”, a deep space of happiness and peace: let’s say the quietness and the potency of a deep ocean) and to bring more of that.

* From Step 9 of the “Exact” Process

Even scientists now start to see how gratitude and happiness are intertwined. In this article “Gratitude Physically Changes Your Brain, New Study Says” by Jessica Stillman at you can read about how gratitude (remember…Dominant Space!) rewires your brain for happiness.

More resources:

“The effects of gratitude expression on neural activity” at The National Center for Biotechnology Information’s website.

Original research article “Neural correlates of gratitude” (by Glenn R. Fox, Jonas Kaplan, Hanna Damasio and Antonio Damasio, Department of Psychology, Brain and Creativity Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA) at

Science agrees – smile more!

Lots of DSM exercises are designed in a way that includes our body as a means to “rewire” our brain and accelerate transformation, and in some of them I ask people to SMILE. It is not just because it’s nice to see a room full of people smiling, but it actually has a scientific background and it is based on our physiology, our nature.

Scientists noticed and started exploring the effects of our facial expressions on the way we perceive the world back in the 19th century (William James, American philosopher and psychologist, 1842- 1910). Recently, a group of scientists from London and Madrid made an experiment and a research about how smiling can change the way our brain functions. They recorded brainwaves to prove that, using a a technique called EEG (electroencephalography). The results backed up the phrase that ‘if you smile, the world will smile back to you.’

Read more about this in the article “Smiling Changes How You View the World” by Christian Jarrett at

Masaru Emoto and the secrets of water

“In the space of ease, calmness, orgasm, joy and gratitude, there is no room for judgement, limitation, pain, discomfort or un-ease. In this space – your Dominant space you can truly be you and choose whatever you like.”

When you are in your Dominant Space, you get to choose the space that you are, you get to choose according to what is going to work for you. That is when magic occurs!

Even science has proven that molecules vibrate differently when you feel different emotions, have different thoughts and feel different sensations. So when you are angry, you will vibrate at a different frequency than when you are grateful. When you feel pain, your body vibrates differently from when you are in the space of pleasure… So what would “happen” if during pain you enter in the pleasure of your Dominant Space? OMG! Maybe in a live DSM class or webinar I will expand on this…if you ask me.

When you are angry, you are asking all the molecules in the universe, and your infinite being to have more of that. It is like a little snow ball that is running and developing and growing. Basically when you are in the space of anger or sadness or whatever, you are projecting that space, amplified, into the future. And the same applies for happiness, pleasure, gratitude.

Dr Masaru Emoto, the Japanese scientist and water researcher is talking about the effect of our thoughts and vibrations (I would say – the space that you are choosing) on the molecular structure of water. You can read more about Emoto’s research in the article “Dr Masaru Emoto on Human Consciousness and Water” at

About DSM

DSM or Dance Space Molecules is just a commercial way to say “Be The Space You Truly Be”.

“What is the purpose of DSM? What if there is no purpose? What if it is like a dog, or a force of nature, that would like to play with you and would like to make your life ease?


It is a methodology. A way, a decoding language of your nature. Graziano Dominici is the originator of this language, but he does not call it his own, in his own words “It’s yours if you use it”.

DSM started as a one day class 3 years ago, in Italy, near Torino, and had branched out to all continents and touched thousands of lives. Recently, DSMt or – DSMtreatment has come to play as well, and you can find more HERE.

In both, DSM and DSMt, people have been reporting miraculous results. DSM does not work with your cognitive mind, or energies, but instead uses the other 95% of your being. Through very practical, meditation-like DSM exercises one can reach into their own nature, and experience the Space they truly be. It is a journey into the essence of your very potency, joy, gratitude. And through these, you will transform everything and anything in your life that does not work with the Space you truly wish to live and have.

“What I noticed in my practice was that people were reporting “miracles” in their lives after we worked together. For instance, weight loss became easy, quitting smoking was no longer a big issue, and the sensation of pain disappeared without medications. After sessions and the “playing with spaces and molecules” we did together, their lives transformed by their new choices and new spaces… simply by asking questions and working with spaces clients began to unravel the “baggage” they carried with them all of their lives.”

The good news is – you don’t have to think, concentrate, control or do anything, just perceive, get the Space, as a child would, and it will start to show up as your reality.

Using science and facts, Graziano Dominici continues on being followed by scientific discovery and papers proving what he has been saying, practicing, and what all the participants of classes, sessions and treatment have tasted.

“I want to know how things work, how the mind works, and how I can change things as quickly as possible. Using science, I filled my analytical mind with facts and knowledge and a blueprint for how the body functions, how the universe operates, and where we fit into this grand scheme.”

“I’ve chosen the faculty of Medicine to fulfil the passion and desire to help and contribute to people and already at the second year I was finding and appreciating the wonder of our body, physiology and how everything can integrate in nature. Only years after, while I was already working with patients a “click” switched on and…..”

Graziano and DSM have been recognised all over the world, and have been feature on prestigious TV shows such as On the Edge Of Science, radio shows and many many more.

In the future Graziano and his international team would like to build a free source of all DSM stands for – so that it would be accessible to anyone and everyone at any time. In his own words: “I would like DSM to be for Free-Dom for everyone. You are what makes this world precious. Without YOU my voice would be just a voice in the desert.”


After listening to the class** again and again (I took a weekend for me, and just went through all the recordings of the class) – I got a huge promotion on my job, a new contract with a make-up brand I desired for very long (I’m a beautician), a mentorship from one of the best beauticians in the country, my body is getting more and more light and over-eating – something I’ve struggled my whole life – gone! Graziano, you have given us the complete foundation from relationship, money, business that we’d ever require to become what we came here for – thank you! The hills that seemed impossible to climb are now possibilities full of pleasure! This class has already paid itself off (literally) – and it’s only been 2 weeks! Thank you!

Angie, CA, USA (**after a DSM class in Roseto, Italy)

Since the class** 3 days ago I feel like I’m floating on clouds… I feel like I can move mountains! And I’m expanding that feeling doing DSM exercises. I thought this is only my inner feeling, but people tell me I’m glowing! There is something happening in my business too – I signed a contract today and I’m going to sign two more in next few days… I feel so grateful! Thank you, Graziano, for DSM, for being you and for being here for us.

I., Croatia (**after a DSM class in Zagreb, Croatia)

Graziaaaanoooo! I am doing the 3 day DS challenge! And really amazing things happen and today I pitched my film for the first time in my life ( I did work on it of course), but with a strong competition and I won the first prizeeeee in front of the international jury!!!! And I realy felt DS and before I went on stage I thought of your lectures and a feeling came to me to just speak from the heart!!!! Amazing!!! Thank you!!!!

M., Croatia

Wow, that was a LOT you shared in that webinar**. (I was really getting light-headed after a while!) Thank you so much! You abundantly addressed the questions I was having, and thank you for that! You’re continually making it more clear about what you mean by pleasure and following/feeding pleasure, and that really helps. Thank you! We have lots of judgments and points of view about ‘pleasure’ so it takes some clarifying! Thank you again for sharing so much – it was a continuous flow of amazingness, information and wedgies! Grazie!

Linda, UK (**after DSM webinar series, 2015)

I woke up the other day and the only way I could describe how wonderful I felt was that it literally felt like I was an ” Aero Bar “ (not sure if you have experienced this chocolate bar) I felt like my entire body was filled with space (like air bubbles) with a thin coating of chocolate to keep it all together. DSM and playing in the space between molecules is more than fun and I cannot image a part of my life that I do not play with this now.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

Glen, Australia

It was really hard for me to trust another doctor to help me. Graziano was different. Even though I hated my body I didn’t find an ounce of judgment in his eyes. We started of gently and in no time I am confident and enjoying my body like never before. His gentle approach is what gave me a chance to start again and transform not only my body but my life. Thank you!

A.P., Croatia

This DSM class was all about ME. I didn’t even ask for facilitation, and still everything was about me. Like the class was ‘tailored’ for me. But I was not alone in the class. The communion was beyond words. And Graziano spoke in spaces. It is one of those things you don’t believe in until you live it.

Sille, Italy

I came to Graziano for a facilitation in business. He gave me practical tools that seemed to simple. I said, what the heck, ill use them. My income has increased 60% in 2 months since i started using them. The simplicity and elegance he uses is truly refreshing. Thank you dear friend!

Maja, Serbia

Since being in my Dominant Space, all my skin ‘disease’ and ‘dermatitis’ has gone away, without any cream or medication. My body is regenerating itself. I have been ‘battling’ this for years, gone to many doctors, homeopaths etc, but just being in my Dominant Space has taken care of it all. And if I can see it on my skin, I wonder what magic it’s doing inside of my body. Also, the skin on my face has lifted. As well as the ‘parts’ of my body that become ‘saggy’ with years.

Maya Leena

I chose to attend the Dance Space Molecules (DSM) class around the time I was encountering a number of ‘issues’ in my life. One of them was finding a place to live or I would have been homeless within two weeks. I attended the DSM workshop and it facilitated profound shifts and changes- I found a new place to live within two days of attending the class. It worked out better than I could ever imagine. Since the workshop, I have been using various DSM exercises to be the space I truly be, which is a space of ease, gratitude and expansiveness. In being this space, I have noticed that I can be the invitation for others to be more for themselves if they wish to choose it. I have also noticed that I have a better relationship with my body, I am able to listen to it better and be more aware of what it requires. Really grateful for Graziano and DSM!

Alice, UK

I injured myself while practising. I was not listening to my body, but forcing myself to do things without trust and focus. That resulted with my upper back collapsing, which led to problem with my spine, muscles of neck which were compensating the weakness in back, and finally the nerves problems in my left arm, neck, head and aching shoulder. I was really worried because I never experienced these kind of sensations before, and wondering will I be able to practice ever again if I injured my nerves.

As I attended a DSM workshop – on the topic of the Body in Zagreb, I hoped that it would help me or at least give me another understanding of the situation that I was in. And so it was!!!

We worked in a physical and creative way with my pain, which I like and easily relate to. Graziano showed me the way in which I can play, understand and change my view on pain that I was experiencing. It was, on one hand, very practical and, on the other hand, easy and light, not burdening on why and when did it happen, which was also new for me. Also it was very helpful to approach the pain from the space of gratitude which made me more easy and joyful.

The pain was diminishing as we were working and by each day passing it was less and less. 7 days after I am practicing again in the same intensity as before, but with another awareness for my body and the practice itself. And…if we can heal and change physical pain which is really present and seems solid, what else can we do and be???!!!

Thank you Graziano for giving me the possibility to learn gentleness and nurturing and awareness.

S.M., Croatia

Hey, I couldn’t wait to tell you the good news. I sold my old car this morning and payed all the credit cards! Love the DSM exercise! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Ana, Canada

I was working a lot lately and experienced a lot of troubles in my job, then…my wife suggested me to have a DSMt session. I’m not really into these “things”, and by nature, I’m skeptic, but I decided to do it: I really needed some help! So I tried it and since the very first session I had more energies to handle everything and keep my humour, I didn’t imagine I’d live in such an easier way!

F.L. (manager)

I love to eat and easily you can tell it….my “too much” and extra weight are screaming it out loud… 15 days ago I received the DSMt for the first time and after a week, the second…it seems impossible but I lost 3 kgs! My mom says I’m less puffy. My appetite decreased spontaneusly and I “see” serenity in me and around! Finally I feel more beautiful! And I can even see my “shape” again…Thanks!

S.G. (student)

I’m an artist and I dance for long hours everyday. I love what I do but the tiredness and the stress often ring a bell. There are days when my body is tensed up and rigid. After the treatment, the shoulders, hips, feet released tensions and memories I thought I didn’t have anymore… I’m happy and I feel lighter and ready to do what I love without so much effort! Wow!! Thank you, I suggest it to everyone!

S.S. (dancer)

I have my years already on my back but I pass my days with my nephews who are full of life. My major issue is walking the stairs, my legs get tired and my knees hurt. I received the DSMt and I notice a lot of improvements: more energy, no more breathlessness as before and my knees are not so tight and stiff as before, actually…

G.P (grandma)

I always felt good and body it’s not really a thing I’d spend time on; after the third session, I noticed I felt lighter, the memory of what I read and study is much more clear: I start to dream “lucid” at least once a week… Graziano suggested me to amplify and enhance my passions during these “moments”… and… I can only say: try it!

M.D. (philosopher, inventor and teacher)

I have taken 2 DSM classes, with my Friend. She was always doing her best to change, in all the modalities we tried, and really she was working hard on herself. The other day I just realised how much she changed in 2 months. Then I realised…she attended 2 DSM classes. She changed more than 90% in 2 months, then all her life and all other ways. I realised what a huge change that was for me. Thank you Graziano, thank you for my friend!


Since the Ignite webinar, I know that for the first time I have shut my back door. When things didn’t work out, when a loved one left my side, when the world seemed to go upside down, my back door strategy was always that I could check out, leave my body. I had Plan S all planned out. The dirty S word – Suicide.
I have had a number of private sessions with Graziano where he has been facilitating me to focus on joy and happiness. They have amazing, life changing sessions. However I tricked myself and had not shut that back door or erased that Plan S completely.
After the webinar yesterday, I could physically sense that weight lift off me. I felt so alive that I am alive!
If a dance could save a life, this dance it is… Immensely grateful for your light and gift, Graziano
– A grateful creature on planet Earth

Thank you, Graziano for sharing DSM! DSM allow my body to experience total space and be present at the same time. When I ask my blood and cells to smile, I could feel them giggling with joy as if they are singing in my body. DSM has also expand and sharpen my awareness. There is so much ease in my body. My body is still shifting every day for the past 7 days since I took the class. Thank you Dr Graziano for bringing me and my body to beyond. May God bless you…

A., Malaysia

Heard about Graziano from a friend and had a private session with him. I had chronic back pain for weeks, doctors wanted to operate to readjust my nerves. After 30 mins with Graziano the pain decreased by 80% and the next day completely gone. My gratitude is beyond words.


I listened to Graziano’s second call this morning. What a birthday gift that was! It was the first time I could feel the future, the first time I smiled at the thought of what is possible in the future. It blew my world open!


Enlightening, moving, thought provoking, inspiring. In half a day I had already received and stepped up to my potency in a way years of other therapies and classes hadn’t even touched. With no point of view Graziano is interested in what makes you happy, and he delivers the space for you to receive what was always there but unavailable to you. If you consider DSM.. and that feels light.. What are you waiting for?


Something amazing happened when I was travelling home from work the other night. A man got on the train and started to behave in an obnoxious way. He was swearing and making racist comments in a loud voice. I was reading my book but then I started to use DSM for me to have ease with what was going on. After some time the man became quiet, he stopped swearing and saying racist things. He even apologised to the person next to him (who he hadn’t insulted anyway)!

What other magic can show up with DSM? Much gratitude for you.


Since I was a child, I had that „urge“ inside telling me that there’s has to be more, that life isn’t just what parents and society tell us, that we are much, much more beautiful, abundant and powerful then what we were taught to believe and that there is no such thing as impossible.

I read many books and practiced many modalities. I’m thankful for all of them, but none of it gave me the clarity and practicality I was longing for. Until DSM (Dance Space Molecules). Listening to Graziano I (and every molecule in my body) recognized and remembered the „knowing“ that has always been with me (Aaaah, I’m not crazy after all!) and with DSM exercises I finally stepped into the Space of Me. It was there all the time! I was It all the time!

Thank you, Graziano, from all my heart!

Andrea, Germany

Thank you Graziano, wooow! Thank you so much! It’s amazing. I entered into a wonderful infinite space that I’ve never been into. I still, after it’s “finished”, feel totally expanded and in a total peace. So grateful to you. I’m in a new space, wow, I cannot even described it. Thank youuuuu!

Stefania, Austria

It (DSM) seems like a knife between the cells…I think like a sharp razor that gets into the cells… the cells are like rounded and like bouble and DSM makes more space between them…this is my picture of it…the knife slides between cells and Graziano, as a knife between the cells…

Daniela, Netherlands

I started to listen to the DSM calls and exercises during night time…I woke up in the morning feeling like I slept for centuries and as happy as a child.What an amazing gift you are?

Sarah, USA

I was addicted to sweets, but I was trying to control myself how much I eat … and it was not easy. After the DSM class, for the first time in my life, I don’t need to eat anything sweet or any sort of carbs. It doesn’t mean that I’ll never eat cookies or pasta again, but “I have to eat something sweet” is a sentence I am not using any more And that’s not all! I am not addicted to food any more

Thank you Graziano! Wonderful combination of DSM tools and your medical knowledge!

B.P. Serbia

About DSMt

The space of Art of a DSM treatment is somewhere between the art of Mindfulness meditation, Zen practice and the triggering of specific signals to the brain to process yesterday’s “issues” with actual personal resources.

A minimum series of move or procedures are necessary to trigger the desired self-healing response in the body whilst performing too many mobilisations could actually be counteractive and counterproductive. The sicker the patient or the more acute the condition, the less is done during the session and the less pressure will be applied to the moves, however the more profound the effect will be on the body.

One motto of the technique is “Allow You to Be the Space You Truly Be and allow others to be the space they truly are”.

Wouldn’t you like to have your muscle aches and pains melt away with a soft touch that uses no thrusting type actions?

DSMt is so soft and gentle that most people are skeptical that a touch that light can actually do anything yet your body can undergo dynamic shifts in a very short time.

DSMt is an amazing innovative technique developed in Europe and Italy. Born for pain of the physical body, DSMt revealed itself as a sparkle of new and renewed Energy as well as a revolutionary technique for the dissipation of old traumas in the Emotional and Psychological spheres.

Quick summary:

DSMt uses a series of gentle moves on specific muscles or on precise points on the body to create an energy flow and vibrations between these points. This allows the body to better communicate with itself and to balance its tissues, muscles and organs.
The method of action is likely through the autonomic nervous system, allowing the body to better carry out its many functions the way it was designed to.
DSMt is done with a light touch and can be done through clothing. There are pauses between sets of moves to allow the body to assimilate the energy and vibrations.
But it is better if the developer of DSM, Graziano Dominici, explains it in his own words…

„DSMt is an extremely powerful multidimensional methodology, which has been specifically developed for the ongoing dynamic integration of the structure and viscera via stimulation of the central, peripheral autonomic nervous systems.

The main objective is to remove pain and dysfunctional physiological conditions by restoring the structural integrity of the body and allow the BEing to come out with ease to “upgrade” and potentiate the life.

In essence DSMt provides the body with possibilities to communicate on many levels, and thus return to and maintain normal homeostatic limits on a daily basis.

The response to DSMt is most often profoundly effective and sometimes miraculous.

DSMt is essentially a soft tissue osteopathic-craniosacral-aborigen style therapy, designed to remove pain, physiological dysfunction and even psychological imbalances, by restoring the structural tensegrity of the body. Its application is suitable and safe for all ages, from newborns to the elderly.

As its main aim is to reintegrate the body-mind complex as a whole, it is often called contextual healing, consequently regarding illnesses as symptoms of imbalance. For this reason there are no contraindications, rendering the technique useful for a wide range of conditions from acute pain to chronic conditions.

Not every condition will respond in the same way. Advanced degenerative conditions often require a multifaceted approach, of which the DSMt may form an exceedingly significant part. A treatment comprises the application of sequences of specialised ‘moves’ to the body, carried out in a very specific and systematic manner. Characteristically, skilful soft tissue manipulation is applied to the lower and upper back, abdomen, neck, arms and legs. There is no forceful manipulation, rather a cross-fibre manoeuvring of muscles, tendons, ligaments or nerves, using varying pressure and incorporating resting periods to allow the body to respond. The treatment can be done either through clothing or directly on the skin. Throughout the session the recipient experiences deep relaxation, essentially providing the body with a ‘window of possibilities’ to reorganise itself comprehensively via the natural activation of various neural reflexes and important regulatory systems. Substantial relief is frequently attained after the first session, while long-term resolution is typically attained after the second or third session. A session generally lasts 25-45 minutes, but can be as short as five minutes in certain circumstances.“

Conditions which frequently respond well to DSMt:

Spinal conditions
Cranial conditions
Headaches including migraines
Neck conditions including whiplash
Back conditions: pelvic, lumbar, thoracic
Shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand conditions
Leg, knee, ankle and foot conditions
All visceral conditions
Asthma and other respiratory conditions
Arthritis and joint conditions
Menstrual, fertility and menopausal conditions
Accident injuries
Sporting injuries
Acute and chronic fatigue
Stress conditions and emotional depression
Digestive and bowel problems
Old traumas
All therapies are gentle, non-invasive and appropriate for all ages from newborns to the elderly.

“Yesterday, after my third DSMt, I slept soundly and this morning, I’m happy without a reason and I smile all the time…. It seems so long ago – it was just 3 weeks ago when I was suffering from panic attacks since a long time, then my first DSMt….and now… I didn’t even remember them!! It’s incredible all this peace, I didn’t know I’d be able to! thanks!” A.M (seller in a shop)

“I was working a lot lately and experienced a lot of troubles in my job, then…my wife suggested me to have a DSMt session. I’m not really into these “things”, and by nature, I’m skeptic, but I decided to do it: I really needed some help! So I tried it and since the very first session I had more energies to handle everything and keep my humour, I didn’t imagine I’d live in such an easier way!” F.L. (manager)

“I have my years already on my back but I pass my days with my nephews who are full of life. My major issue is walking the stairs, my legs get tired and my knees hurt. I received the DSMt and I notice a lot of improvements: more energy, no more breathlessness as before and my knees are not so tight and stiff as before, actually…” G.P (grandma)

“I’m an artist and I dance for long hours everyday. I love what I do but the tiredness and the stress often ring a bell. There are days when my body is tensed up and rigid. After the treatment, the shoulders, hips, feet released tensions and memories I thought I didn’t have anymore… I’m happy and I feel lighter and ready to do what I love without so much effort! Wow!! Thank you, I suggest it to everyone!” S.S. (dancer)

“I love to eat and easily you can tell it….my “too much” and extra weight are screaming it out loud… 15 days ago I received the DSMt for the first time and after a week, the second…it seems impossible but I lost 3 kgs! My mom says I’m less puffy. My appetite decreased spontaneusly and I “see” serenity in me and around! Finally I feel more beautiful! And I can even see my “shape” again…Thanks!” S.G. (student)

I always felt good and body it’s not really a thing I’d spend time on; after the third session, I noticed I felt lighter, the memory of what I read and study is much more clear: I start to dream “lucid” at least once a week… Graziano suggested me to amplify and enhance my passions during these “moments”… and… I can only say: try it!” M.D. (philosopher, inventor and teacher)

The story about ME and WE

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The Story About ME and WE

One day, Me was talking to We, and Me started to cry and to complain – “I did everything for you! And I’m being such a big contribution to you and for others all the time. How come you don’t see it? Why don’t you acknowledge that?”

We: “Wait…”

Me: “But I am so aware of everything and I see you don’t love me, because you did that and that instead of this and this.”

We: “Please stop…”

Me: “Aaaaah…I’m sooo disappointed and hurt.” [sobbing]

We: “Stop!”

Me: “Whyyyy ooooh whyyyyy nobody loves Me?” [crying out loud]

We: “Please one day when you calm down, go back to all what you said, what you complained about and what you were “hurt” by… And you will…maybe…see a person who pushes and doesn’t allow others to have their space and time, a person who wants to control everything and, if things are not exactly as he/she wants, start to make troubles or being a pain…

You can be in the Me world even if you think that you are doing everything for everyone, but if you would really do so… you would never feel hurt or refused, because you would have fun and pleasure – and those are gonna be with you always and cannot dissipate neither with the storm, the rain nor a disappointment.

Maybe Me thinks to know everything, but doesn’t know patience and support that We is trying to give non stop… but it looks too different from what Me already decided…

You will see that We is always happy and Me always has to show the awareness, the knowing, the efforts etc..

And do you know why Me is trying to show? Because Me always lacks, while We doesn’t need to be acknowledged and will be always be noticed…soon or later…”

Me: “Thank you, We…” [smiling]


Una storia di Io e Noi

Un giorno Io stava parlando con Noi, e Io iniziò a piangere, disperarsi e a lamentarsi: – “Ho fatto tutto, ogni cosa per te! E sono un così grande contributo per te e per tutti gli altri, per tutto il tempo. Come mai non riesci a vederlo? Come mai non lo riconosci?”

Noi: “Aspetta…”

Io: “Ma sono così conscio di ogni cosa e vedo che tu non mi ami perchè hai fatto questo e quell’altro invece di questo e quello”.

Noi: “Per favore fermati…”

Io:”Aaaaah… sono così disperato e ferito.” (singhiozzando)

Noi: “Fermati!”

Io: “Perchèèèèè ohhhh perchèèèè nessuno ama Io?” (piangendo forte)

Noi: “Per favore un giorno quando ti calmerai, torna indietro e rivedi tutto quello che hai detto, quello di cui ti lamentavi e tutte le cose per cui eri “ferito”…E tu vedrai… forse… una persona che spinge e non permette agli altri di avere il loro spazio, il loro tempo, una persona che vuole avere il controllo di tutto e se le cose non sono esattamente come questa vuole ed esige inizia a combinare guai e a essere una scocciatura…
Tu puoi essere Io nel mondo dell’Io anche se tu pensi che stai facendo tutto per ognuno, tutto per tutti, ma se tu avessi fatto veramente così….non ti sentiresti mai ferito, rifiutato, perchè tu l’avresti fatto dal piacere, dal divertimento – e queste cose saranno sempre con te e non puoi dissiparle nemmeno con una tormenta, la pioggia o un dispiacere.
Forse Io pensa di sapere tutto ma non conosce la pazienza e il supporto che Noi sta cercando di dare senza fermarsi…ma appare troppo differente da come Io ha già deciso….
Tu vedrai che Noi è sempre felice e Io sempre deve dimostrare la sua consapevolezza, il suo sapere, i suoi sforzi……
E sai perchè Io sta cercando di mostrarlo? Perchè ha sempre un vuoto, una mancanza, mentre Noi non ha bisogno di riconoscimenti e sarà sempre notato…presto o tardi….

Io: “ Grazie, grazie a te, Noi….” (sorridendo)


Priča o Ja i Mi

Jednoga dana, Ja je pričao sa Mi, i Ja se počeo plakati i žaliti – “Sve sam učinio za tebe! Ja doprinosim – toliko puno tebi i ostalima – cijelo vrijeme. Kako to da to ne vidiš? Zašto mi to ne priznaš?”

Mi: “Čekaj…”

Ja: “Ali ja sam toliko svjestan svega i vidim da me ne voliš, jer si učinio ovo i ovo i ono umjesto ovoga, ovoga, i onoga.”

Mi: “Molim te, prestani!”

Ja: “Aaaaaaaah….ja sam tako tužan i razočaran.” (plače)

Mi: “Stani!”

Ja: “Zaaaaašto, o zaštoooo me nitko ne voli?!” (dere se)

Mi: “Molim te, jednoga dana, kada se smiriš, vrati se svemu što si rekao, na što si se požalio i na sve što te “povrijedilo”…. I možda ćeš….možda….vidjeti osobu koja gura i ne dopušta drugima da imaju svoj prostor i vrijeme, osobu koja želi kontrolirati sve i ako stvari ne budu baš onakvima kakvima ih on/ona želi, počne raditi nevolje ili je sve počne boljeti….
Možeš biti u Ja svijetu iako misliš da činiš sve za druge. Ali ako bi to uistinu činio…nikada se ne bi osjećao povrijeđenim ili odbijenim, jer bi ti bilo zabavno i uživao bi – i oni bi s tobom bili zauvijek, i ne bi se rasipali i otišli od tebe niti u oluji, niti na kiši, niti usred razočaranja.
Možda Ja misli da zna sve, ali ne poznaje strpljenje i potporu koju Mi konstantno pokušava pružiti….jer to izgleda prerazličito od svega onoga što je Ja već odlučio…
Vidjet ćeš da je Mi uvijek radosan, dok Ja uvijek mora pokazati svoju svjesnost, znanje, trud itd.
A znaš li zašto Ja to pokušava pokazati? Jer njemu uvijek fali, dok Mi ne treba biti priznat i uvijek je primjećen….prije ili kasnije…”

Ja: “Hvala ti, Mi…” (smije se)


Eine Geschichte über Mir und Wir

Eines Tages Mir redete mit Wir, und Mir begann zu weinen und zu klagen – “Ich habe alles für dich getan!

Und ich bin so ein großer Beitrag für dich und für die anderen die ganze Zeit. Wieso siehst du das nicht? Warum anerkennst das nicht?”

Wir: “Warte…”

Mir: “Aber ich bin so bewusst auf alles, und ich sehe, du liebst mich nicht, weil du das und das getan hast, statt dies und dies.”

Wir: “Bitte hör auf …”

Mir: “. Aaaaah … Ich bin sooo enttäuscht und verletzt” [schluchzend]

Wir: “Halt!”

Mir: “Waaaaarum ooooh waaaaaaarum liebt mich niemand?” [jammernd]

Wir: “Bitte, eines Tages, wenn du beruhigt bist, gehe zurück um all das was du gesagt hast, woüber du beschwert hast und was dir “verletzt ” hat … Und du wirst… vielleicht … einen Person sehen, der schiebt und anderen nicht die Möglichkeit ihre Zeit und Raum zu haben, einen Person, der alles kontrollieren will, und wenn die Dinge nicht genau so, wie er / sie will, beginnt um Probleme oder ein Schmerz zu machen… Du kannst in der Mir Welt sein, auch wenn du denkst, dass du alles für alle tust, aber wenn du wirklich tust … du würdest nie das Gefühl zu verletzen oder verweigert haben, weil du Spaß und Freude hast – und die werden bei dir immer sein und können nicht zerstreuen weder mit dem Sturm, der Regen, noch eine Enttäuschung.

Vielleicht Mir denkst alles zu wissen, aber nicht weißt Geduld und Unterstützung, die Wir versucht ohne Ende zu geben … aber es war zu unterschiedlich zu was Mir schon entschieden hat…

Du wirst sehen dass Wir immer glücklich und Mir immer das Bewusstsein, das Wissen, die Bemühungen usw zeigt…

Und weißt du warum Mir versucht zu zeigen? Weil Mir immer etwas fehlt, während Wir muss nicht quittiert werden und wird immer bemerkt werden … früher oder später … ”

Ich: “Ich danke dir, Wir …” [lächelt]


Une histoire entre Moi et Nous

Un jour, Moi parlait à Nous, et Moi commença à pleurer et à se plaindre – “J’ai tout fait pour toi! Et je suis une telle contribution pour toi et pour les autres, tout le temps. Pourquoi tu ne le vois pas? Pourquoi tu ne le reconnais pas?”

Nous: “Attends…”

Moi: “Et je suis tellement conscient de tout et je vois que tu ne m’aime pas, parceque tu as fait ça et ça au lieu de faire ça et ça”

Nous: “S’il te plaît, arrêtes…”

Moi:”Aaaaah…Je suis tellement déçu et blessé.” [pleurant]

Nous: “Stop!”

Moi: “Pourquooooooi, pourquooooi personne ne m’aime?” [pleurant de plus belle]

Nous: “S’il te plaît, un jour, lorsque tu seras plus calme, revois tout ce que tu as dit, ce dont tu te plaignais et ce par quoi tu as été “blessé” … et tu verras… peut-être…une personne qui force et qui ne permet pas aux autres d’avoir leur espace où leur moment, une personne qui veut tout contrôler, et qui lorsque les choses ne sont pas exactement comme tu les veux, qui commence à faire des scènes et à être mal…
Tu peux être dans le monde de Moi même lorsque tu penses que tu fais tout pour tout le monde, mais si tu le faisais réellement… tu ne te sentirais jamais blessé ou refusé, car tu aurais plaisir et bonne humeur à le faire – et ceux-là resterons avec toi pour toujours et ne pourrons pas se dissiper ni avec un orage, ni avec la pluie et ni avec une deception.
Peut-être que Moi pense tout savoir, mais ne comprend pas la patience et le soutien que Nous éssaye de donner non stop…mais qui est different de ce que Moi a déjà décidé…

Tu verras que Nous est toujours heureux et que Moi doit montrer sa connaissance, son savoir, ses efforts etc.
Et tu sais ce que Nous éssaye de montrer? Car Moi est toujours dans le manque alors que Nous, n’a pas besoin d’être reconnu mais sera toujours reconnu… top ou tard…”

Moi: “Merci Nous…” [souriant]

Could it be?


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Could it Be?

If you are happy whatever you do, you know that you are going to be happy whatever you do. The more you are happy, grateful or joyful, the more you are putting in the system that energy. The more you are putting in the system that energy, the more you are happy and you are your nature. With happiness I don’t mean something “positive”. If you like to complain and it makes you happy – complaining is your happiness.

Could it be that the more you are happy, the more you are satisfied? And the more you are satisfied, the more you are happy?

Could it be that the more you are already happy, the more you are using happiness and the more you are happy? And the more you go deep into that, the less you are attached about other things that give you happiness?

Could it be that the less you are attached, the more you are grateful?

Could it be that the less projections and expectations you have, the more gratitude, satisfaction and pleasure you have, and the happier you are? And could it be that the more gratitude you have, the less attachment, the less friction, contraction, conclusion, resistance and unwillingness you have?

Could it be the more you are grateful, the more you see the beauty in others? And the more you see the beauty in you?

Could it be that the more you are grateful for others, the less you are separated from you? Could it be the less separation you be, the more deserving you are?
Could it be that a lot of time we are thinking that we don’t deserve and we avoid the willingness to receive?

“I am not smart enough. I am not beautiful enough. I am not naughty enough. I am not horny enough. I am not polite enough. I am not educated enough. I am not a good enough mum. I am not a good enough girl. My English is not good enough. My body is not enough. It’s too much, It’s too less.”

Could it be?

Could it be that if you have an attitude of gratitude, you are statistically putting in the system that energy and you are exponentialising the possibilities that it will come back to you?

Could it be that the more gratitude you have, the more people are happy to give to you too?

Could it be that the happier you are, the more you are fast and smart and aware? And that you are more aware when you are happy and have pleasure?

So the more we are like that – and I call it Dominant Space – the more we are allowing the rest of the universe to please us with joy.


You can also listen to it…

Potrebbe essere?

Se sei felice qualsiasi cosa tu faccia sai che sarai felice di qualsiasi cosa fai e farai. Più sei felice e più grato e gioioso sei, più stai mettendo quell’energia nel sistema e più stai mettendo quell’energia nel sistema e più sei felice e stai essendo la tua natura. Con felicità non intendo qualcosa di “positivo”. Se tu ami borbottare e lamentarti ti rende felice – lamentarti sarà la tua felicità.

Potrebbe essere che più sei felice e più divieni anche più soddisfatto/a? E più sei soddisfatto/a e più sei felice?

Potrebbe essere che più sei felice, essendo già felice, e più stai usando la felicità e più diventi felice? E più vai nella profondità di esso e meno sei attaccato/a e investito/a alle altre cose che ti danno la felicità?

Potrebbe essere che meno sei attaccato/a e più sei grato/a?

Potrebbe essere che meno proiezioni e aspettative hai e più gratitudine, soddisfazione e piacere hai e più felice sei? E potrebbe essere che più gratitudine hai e meno attaccamenti e meno frizioni, contrazioni, conclusioni e resistenze e indisponibilità hai?

Potrebbe essere che più sei grato/a e più vedi la bellezza negli altri? E più vedi la bellezza in te?

Potrebbe essere che più sei grato/a per gli altri e meno sei separato/a da te? Potrebbe essere che meno separato/a sei, più meritevole ti senta?

Potrebbe essere che molte volte che noi pensiamo che non meritiamo, evitiamo la disponibilità e possibilità a ricevere?

“Non sono abbastanza intelligente. Non sono abbastanza bello/a. Non sono abbastanza monello/a. Non sono abbastanza sensuale. Non sono abbastanza educato/a. Non sono abbastanza erudito/a. Non sono abbastanza una buona mamma. Non sono abbastanza un buon bambino/a. Il mio inglese non è abbastanza buono. Il mio corpo non è abbastanza. E’ troppo. E’ troppo poco.”

Potrebbe essere?

Potrebbe essere che se hai un’attitudine di gratitudine, stai statisticamente mettendo nel sistema quell’energia e stai esponenzializzando le possibilità che, prima o poi, quella stessa energia ti torni indietro?

Potrebbe essere che più sei grato/a e più le persone sono felici di darti e donarti?

Potrebbe essere che più sei felice e più sei veloce, intelligente e conscio/a? E che tu sia piu conscio/a quando sei felice e hai più piacere?

Quindi più siamo così, e io lo chiamo Spazio Dominante, e più stiamo permettendo al resto dell’universo di compiacerci con gioia.

Je li moguće?

Što god činili, ako ste radosni – već znate da ćete biti radosni – što god činili.
Što ste radosniji, zahvalniji ili veseliji, u sistem stavljate baš takvu energiju. Što više u sistem stavljate takvu energiju, to ste radosniji i u Vašoj ste prirodi. Pod radosti ne mislim na nešto “pozitivno”. Volite li prigovarati i to Vas usrećuje – tada je u prigovaranju Vaša sreća.

Je li moguće – što ste radosniji, to ste i “zadovoljeniji”? I što ste “zadovoljeniji” to ste sretniji?

Je li moguće – što ste radosniji sad, da više koristite radost – i još ste više sretniji? Što dublje ulazite u to, manje ste vezani za druge stvari koje Vas čine radosnima?

Je li moguće – što ste manje vezani, to ste zahvalniji?
Je li moguće – Što manje očekujete i imate manje očekivanja – da ste zahvalniji, zadovoljniji, radosniji i imate više “uživanja”?
I je li moguće – što ste više zahvalni – da ste manje vezani, imate manje sukoba, kontrakcije, otpora i nevoljnosti?

Je li moguće – što ste zahvalniji, vidite više ljepote u drugima? I vidite ljepotu u Vama?

Je li moguće – što ste zahvalniji drugima, manje ste odvojeni od Vas?
Je li moguće – što ste manje odvojeni – da sve više zaslužujete?

Je li moguće – da često mislite da ne zaslužujete i da izbjegavate volju za primanjem?

“Nisam dovoljno pametan/na. Nisam dovoljno lijep/a. Nisam dovoljno zločest/a. Nisam dovoljno napaljen/a. Nisam dovoljno pristojan/na. Nisam dovoljno obrazovan/a. Nisam dovoljno dobra mama. Nisam dovoljno dobra djevojčica. Moj engleski nije dovoljno dobar. Moje tijelo nije dovoljno. Previše je, premalo je.”

Je li moguće?

Je li moguće – da ćete, imate li stav zahvalnosti – statistički staviti u sistem takvu energiju – i eksponencijalno povećati mogućnosti da Vam se ona vrati?

Je li moguće? Što imate više zahvalnosti, tim su više ljudi sretni davati Vam?

Je li moguće – što ste sretniji – to ste brži, pametniji i svjesniji? I jeste li svjesniji – baš kada ste sretni i uživate?

Dakle, kada smo takvi – ja “takvi” nazivam Dominantnim Prostorom – dopuštamo ostatku svemira da nas zadovolji radošću.

Könnte es sein?

Wenn du glücklich bist was du tust, du weisst dass du glücklich wirst immer was du tust. Je mehr du glücklich, dankbar und fröhlich bist, desto mehr kannst du im System diese Energie setzen. Je mehr du im System, diese Energie setzt, desto mehr wirst du glücklich und dein Natur sein wirst. Mit Glück meine ich nicht etwas “positiv”.

Wenn zu beschweren macht dich glücklich – Klagen ist dein Glück. Könnte es sein, dass je mehr du glücklich bist, desto mehr wirst du zufrieden sein? Und je mehr du zufrieden bist, desto mehr bist du glücklich?

Könnte es sein, dass je mehr du schon froh bist, desto mehr du Glück verwendest, und je mehr du glücklich bist? Und je mehr du tief in das gehst, desto weniger du über andere Dinge gebunden bist, die dir Glück bringen?

Könnte es sein, dass je weniger du gebunden bist, desto mehr bist du dankbar?

Könnte es sein, dass die weniger Projektionen und Erwartungen die du hast, desto mehr Dankbarkeit, Zufriedenheit und Freude du hast und desto glücklicher du bist? Und könnte es sein, dass je mehr Dankbarkeit du hast, desto weniger Befestigungs, desto weniger Reibung, Kontraktion, Abschluss, Widerstand und die mangelnde Bereitschaft du hast?

Könnte es sein, desto mehr du dankbar bist, desto mehr könntest du die Schönheit in anderen sehen? Und je mehr du die Schönheit in dich?

Könnte es sein, dass je mehr man dankbar für andere bist, desto weniger du bist von dir getrennt? Könnte es sein, die weniger Trenn du wirst, desto mehr verdienstvoll du bist?

Könnte es sein, dass vielmals denken wir, dass wir es nicht verdienen, und wir vermeiden, die Bereitschaft zu erhalten?

“Ich bin nicht genug klug. Ich bin nicht genug schön. Ich bin nicht genug frech. Ich bin nicht genug geil. Ich bin nicht genug höflich. Ich bin nicht gut genug ausgebildet. Ich bin nicht gut genug Mutter. Ich bin nicht gut genug Mädchen. Mein Englisch ist nicht gut genug. Mein Körper ist nicht genug. Es ist zu viel, es ist zu wenig. ”

Könnte es sein?

Könnte es sein, dass, wenn du eine Haltung der Dankbarkeit hast, du statistisch setzt in dem System das Energie und du exponentialisiert die Möglichkeiten dass zu dir kommen?

Könnte es sein, dass je mehr Dankbarkeit die du hast, desto mehr Menschen glücklich sind dir zu geben?

Könnte es sein, dass der glücklicher du bist, desto mehr wirst du schnell und intelligent und bewusst? Und dass du mehr bewusst bist wenn du glücklich bist und Freude hast?

Je mehr wir so sind- und ich nenne es Dominanten Raum – je mehr wir erlauben der Rest des Universums um uns mit Freude zu gefallen.

Se pourrait-il?

Si tu es heureuse dans tout ce que tu fais, alors tu sais que tu seras heureuse indépendamment de ce que tu fais. Le plus tu es heureuse, reconnaissante ou emplis de joie, le plus tu ajoutes cette énergie au système. Le plus tu ajoutes cette énergie dans le système, le plus tu es heureuse et le plus tu es ta vraie nature.

Lorsque je parle de bonheur, je ne veux pas dire quelque chose de “positif”. Si tu aimes à te plaindre et que ça te rend heureuse – alors te plaindre, est ton bonheur.

Se pourrait-il que le plus tu es heureuse, le plus tu es satisfaite? Et le plus tu es satisfaite, le plus tu es heureuse?

Se pourrait-il que le plus tu es déjà heureuse, le plus tu utilises ce bonheur et le plus tu es heureuse? Et le plus en profondeur tu y entre, le moins tu es attachée aux autres choses qui te rende heureuse?

Se pourrait-il que le moins tu es attachée, le plus tu es reconnaissante?

Se pourrait-il que le moins de projections et d’attentes tu as, le plus de reconnaissance, de satisfaction et de plaisir tu éprouves, et le plus heureuse tu es? Et se pourrait-il que le plus tu de reconnaissance tu as, le moins d’attachement, de friction, de contraction, conclusion, résistance et de réticence tu as?

Se pourrait-il que le plus tu es reconnaissante, le plus tu vois la beauté des autres? Et le plus tu vois la beauté qui est en toi?

Se pourrait-il que le plus tu es reconnaissante pour les autres, le moins tu es séparée de toi? Se pourrait-il que le moins tu te sépare de toi, le plus méritante tu es?

Se pourrait-il que la plupart du temps nous pensons ne pas mériter et nous renonçons à notre abileté à recevoir?

“Je ne suis pas assez intelligente. Je ne suis pas assez belle. Je ne suis pas assez méchante. Je ne suis pas assez excité. Je ne suis pas assez polie. Je ne suis pas assez éduqué. Je ne suis pas une assez bonne mère. Je ne suis pas une assez gentille personne. Mon anglais n’est pas assez bien. Mon corps n’est pas assez. C’est trop, c’est pas assez.”

Se pourrait-il?

Se pourrait-il que tu es une attitude de reconnaissance? Statistiquement, tu ajoutes cette énergie dans le système et tu exponentialises les possibilités que celles-çi te reviennes?

Se pourrait-il que le plus de reconnaissances tu as, le plus les gens sont à leur tour heureux de t’offrir?

Se pourrait-il que le plus tu es heureuse, le plus tu es intelligente, rapide et consciente? Et que tu es plus consciente lorsque tu es heureuse et que tu prend plaisir?

Alors le plus nous sommes comme ça – et je l’appel l’Espace Dominant – le plus nous permettons l’univers à nous donner de plaisir avec joie.


Everything that you learnt about money (from your family, school, society, cults) – does it really work for you? Does it make you happy? Does it nurture you?
And what about business?

DSM (Dance Space Molecules) is a different way (Your way) and Graziano, speaking through spaces, might seriously shake everything that you “believed” is true. You may hear some things that no one ever told you. They may sound “weird”, but hey! – they’re working for a lot of people. For you… maybe yes, maybe no. You’re the one choosing your rules in your universe and what is true for You.

Here are some of the many testimonials we received after the webinars:

Wow! Great webinar and thanks! Finally all makes sense. This is a great way to neutralize all kinds of subtle manipulation against us. I really appreciate the hints you gave to embrace even those energies and make it work for all…”
C.R., Italy

“Ciao! I have a question – Will you please stop surprising me with your generosity? 😀 I mean – 45min webinar turned out to be one hour and half long + 6 practical lists for boosting our creativity for earning money (and more) + Dominant Space money exercise + Bonus Success exercise! Thank you!!! Btw these things work, when I allow my butt to get up and make a move. :)”
S.N. Denmark

“Thank you very much for the great money webinar and brilliant examples and exercises! I would call one of the exercises – “How to get money doing what I like”. I did the exercise few hours after the webinar and realised that I can transform my two hobbies in sources of income. Although I was not interested in getting money by selling “art”, that I’m making from time to time, this can be a way to get money for the “expensive” class I would like to attend, but I thought I could not afford it at this moment because I have other expenses. And this morning, I found a way how to sell some of them! And.. in this way I’ll make space at home for my “new products”. For the second hobby, I’ve got an idea how to make business of it. 😀 ”
H.A., Germany

“Thank you Graziano and team for the amazing Money Webinar yesterday. The Money DS exercise is great- it is so simple yet so effective. I woke up with a sense of peace- with money, peace with where I live, peace about my work. I cannot remember the last time I was not worried about money! I am so glad that I signed up for the entire webinar series and am very much looking forward to each webinar in the coming weeks. Happy happy!”
P.S., UK

“Hey! Yesterday I bought new “fancy” notebooks for writing down the lists you suggested during the “money” webinar and already started filling it up. You’re right – my “creative” mind went literally wild! Ideas are popping out like crazy, can’t wait to start working on them! Thanks!”
A.N., Australia

“Wow, that was a LOT you shared in that webinar. (I was really getting light-headed after a while!) Thank you so much! You abundantly addressed the questions I was having, and thank you for that! You’re continually making it more clear about what you mean by pleasure and following/feeding pleasure, and that really helps. Thank you! We have lots of judgments and points of view about ‘pleasure’ so it takes some clarifying!
Thank you again for sharing so much – it was a continuous flow of amazingness, information and wedgies! :)”
L.L., Canada
