DSM or Dance Space Molecules is just a commercial way to say “Be The Space You Truly Be”.

“What is the purpose of DSM? What if there is no purpose? What if it is like a dog, or a force of nature, that would like to play with you and would like to make your life ease?


It is a methodology. A way, a decoding language of your nature. Graziano Dominici is the originator of this language, but he does not call it his own, in his own words “It’s yours if you use it”.

DSM started as a one day class 3 years ago, in Italy, near Torino, and had branched out to all continents and touched thousands of lives. Recently, DSMt or – DSMtreatment has come to play as well, and you can find more HERE.

In both, DSM and DSMt, people have been reporting miraculous results. DSM does not work with your cognitive mind, or energies, but instead uses the other 95% of your being. Through very practical, meditation-like DSM exercises one can reach into their own nature, and experience the Space they truly be. It is a journey into the essence of your very potency, joy, gratitude. And through these, you will transform everything and anything in your life that does not work with the Space you truly wish to live and have.

“What I noticed in my practice was that people were reporting “miracles” in their lives after we worked together. For instance, weight loss became easy, quitting smoking was no longer a big issue, and the sensation of pain disappeared without medications. After sessions and the “playing with spaces and molecules” we did together, their lives transformed by their new choices and new spaces… simply by asking questions and working with spaces clients began to unravel the “baggage” they carried with them all of their lives.”

The good news is – you don’t have to think, concentrate, control or do anything, just perceive, get the Space, as a child would, and it will start to show up as your reality.

Using science and facts, Graziano Dominici continues on being followed by scientific discovery and papers proving what he has been saying, practicing, and what all the participants of classes, sessions and treatment have tasted.

“I want to know how things work, how the mind works, and how I can change things as quickly as possible. Using science, I filled my analytical mind with facts and knowledge and a blueprint for how the body functions, how the universe operates, and where we fit into this grand scheme.”

“I’ve chosen the faculty of Medicine to fulfil the passion and desire to help and contribute to people and already at the second year I was finding and appreciating the wonder of our body, physiology and how everything can integrate in nature. Only years after, while I was already working with patients a “click” switched on and…..”

Graziano and DSM have been recognised all over the world, and have been feature on prestigious TV shows such as On the Edge Of Science, radio shows and many many more.

In the future Graziano and his international team would like to build a free source of all DSM stands for – so that it would be accessible to anyone and everyone at any time. In his own words: “I would like DSM to be for Free-Dom for everyone. You are what makes this world precious. Without YOU my voice would be just a voice in the desert.”