Everything that you learnt about money (from your family, school, society, cults) – does it really work for you? Does it make you happy? Does it nurture you?
And what about business?

DSM (Dance Space Molecules) is a different way (Your way) and Graziano, speaking through spaces, might seriously shake everything that you “believed” is true. You may hear some things that no one ever told you. They may sound “weird”, but hey! – they’re working for a lot of people. For you… maybe yes, maybe no. You’re the one choosing your rules in your universe and what is true for You.

Here are some of the many testimonials we received after the webinars:

Wow! Great webinar and thanks! Finally all makes sense. This is a great way to neutralize all kinds of subtle manipulation against us. I really appreciate the hints you gave to embrace even those energies and make it work for all…”
C.R., Italy

“Ciao! I have a question – Will you please stop surprising me with your generosity? 😀 I mean – 45min webinar turned out to be one hour and half long + 6 practical lists for boosting our creativity for earning money (and more) + Dominant Space money exercise + Bonus Success exercise! Thank you!!! Btw these things work, when I allow my butt to get up and make a move. :)”
S.N. Denmark

“Thank you very much for the great money webinar and brilliant examples and exercises! I would call one of the exercises – “How to get money doing what I like”. I did the exercise few hours after the webinar and realised that I can transform my two hobbies in sources of income. Although I was not interested in getting money by selling “art”, that I’m making from time to time, this can be a way to get money for the “expensive” class I would like to attend, but I thought I could not afford it at this moment because I have other expenses. And this morning, I found a way how to sell some of them! And.. in this way I’ll make space at home for my “new products”. For the second hobby, I’ve got an idea how to make business of it. 😀 ”
H.A., Germany

“Thank you Graziano and team for the amazing Money Webinar yesterday. The Money DS exercise is great- it is so simple yet so effective. I woke up with a sense of peace- with money, peace with where I live, peace about my work. I cannot remember the last time I was not worried about money! I am so glad that I signed up for the entire webinar series and am very much looking forward to each webinar in the coming weeks. Happy happy!”
P.S., UK

“Hey! Yesterday I bought new “fancy” notebooks for writing down the lists you suggested during the “money” webinar and already started filling it up. You’re right – my “creative” mind went literally wild! Ideas are popping out like crazy, can’t wait to start working on them! Thanks!”
A.N., Australia

“Wow, that was a LOT you shared in that webinar. (I was really getting light-headed after a while!) Thank you so much! You abundantly addressed the questions I was having, and thank you for that! You’re continually making it more clear about what you mean by pleasure and following/feeding pleasure, and that really helps. Thank you! We have lots of judgments and points of view about ‘pleasure’ so it takes some clarifying!
Thank you again for sharing so much – it was a continuous flow of amazingness, information and wedgies! :)”
L.L., Canada
